Gold And Unrealistic Expectations – Gold Is Not An Investment


Gold has been characterized as insurance, a hedge against inflation/social unrest/instability, or, more simply, just a commodity.  But it is treated most of the time, by most people, as an investment.  

This is true even by those who are more negative in their attitude towards gold. “Stocks are a better investment.”  In most cases, the logic used and the performance results justify the statement. But the premise is wrong.

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Analysis Of Gold Is Lacking

Any analysis of gold must have a correct premise.  And terms used in that analysis must be clearly understood.  For example…

“Are you pro-gold?”  Just exactly what does that mean?   Is it a political or moral issue?  In other words, does someone’s position on gold indicate ideology or lifestyle choice?  Can a political liberal be pro-gold? And if someone answers the original question in the affirmative, does that mean they are anti-something else?

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