A Fair Price For Gold – $1000 Or $2000?

What is a fair price for gold? How can we know if gold, or any other money, is worth what we can buy with it?

So, what can we buy with it?  And how do we know that the value of our gold/money is realistically priced?

We know that gold is currently priced at more than $1800 per ounce; so the value of gold today is what we can buy with one thousand eight hundred dollars.

But is $1800 dollars per ounce realistic?  Does it represent fair value?  Are there reasons why we might expect that price to rise or decline to any substantial degree that would influence our choice to hold money in gold vs. US dollars?

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$1500 Gold Price Is Fair And Accurate

Is $1500 a reasonable price for gold? Some of the more ardent gold “bulls” might say no. A price of $2000 per ounce should sound better to them. That particular number is likely more popular because gold’s price didn’t quite get there eight years ago, stopping just shy of $1900 per ounce.

Similar behavior occurred after 1980, when gold’s price assent was stopped at $850. At that time, $1000 became the price projection of choice.

In both cases, the expectations for gold were likely born out of desire, rather than fundamentals.

So, how can we know what is a fair and accurate price for gold today – right now?

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