The End of Inflation?

A current headline says “fears of currency debasement drive gold price higher”. Seems reasonable; and it is. It is also reasonable, however, that a potential end of inflation is near.

Historically, governments have been “debasing” their currencies for centuries. The debasement leads to a loss of purchasing power in the currency in use.

Since gold is original money and has proven itself to be a true store of value, then it should not be unexpected that gold’s higher price over time reflects that currency debasement.

The debasement leads to a loss of purchasing power in the currency in use.

All currencies are substitutes for ‘real money’, i.e., gold; and all governments inflate and destroy their own currencies. 

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How Government Causes Inflation

We know that inflation is the debasement of money by government. The effects of inflation show up in the form of rising prices over time. The rising prices are a reflection of the loss of purchasing power of the currency involved. For our purposes, that means the U.S. dollar.

The chart below depicts increases in the Consumer Price Index, year-to-year, dating back to 1914…

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