I Bought A Stock (AU) At 20; Now It’s 23 – Am I Rich?


…Now, it’s 23. I must be rich. That sounds ridiculous and it is. But, that is how some gold bulls sound when talking about “new highs” for the yellow metal. At least one analyst mentioned the “four year wait” for gold’s breakout, so let’s go back to 2020. More precisely, August of 2020. If anyone had bought a stock which was predicted to “break 20 and go straight to 30” would it have generated the same excitement that predictions for gold to go from $2000 to $3000 did? Not likely; but that did not stop the torrent of predictions and hyped expectations for the rocket launch that some expected. Calls for $5000, $10,000, and higher stoked the fever and emotions of anxious investors.  Alas, we all had to wait for almost four years. Now, those same anxious investors are hoping the rocket launch hasn’t aborted – again.

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